Posts about: Farm and agriculture

Air Seeders vs. Planters: Which is Best for My Farm?

What’s the difference between an air seeder and a planter? Air seeders and planters are both designed for seeding. While either will get the job done, there are some differences in how they function and what seeds work best for each. Continue...

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What Does the Future Look Like for John Deere & Farming?

What is John Deere planning for the future? Farmers face more challenges each year, and John Deere is continuing to make considerable investments in resources to help solve these challenges for farmers. If you follow John Deere news, you have likely...

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What are the Key Features of the StarFire™ 7000 Receiver, and How Can it Benefit my Farm?

What is SF-RTK, and how does it improve GPS accuracy and repeatability? Enjoy the addition of RTK without and RTK Radio through the StarFire™ 7000 Receiver. The latest John Deere StarFire™ 7000 Receiver offers faster pull-in times, season-to-season...

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What Capabilities are Included with the New John Deere Gator™ with AutoTrac™?

John Deere AutoTrac™ has been available for large agriculture equipment for years, but now you can leverage that same technology you know and love in your John Deere Gator™. John Deere is introducing AutoTrac™ Ready Gators™ beginning with 2023-year...

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Optimizing Fleet Performance with John Deere In-Field Data Sharing

More and more operations are shifting to having multiple machines to help cover their acreage more efficiently. With numerous machines operating in the same field, map sharing plays a vital role for operators. Continue reading to learn the benefits...

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How Can John Deere Ag Management Solutions Maximize My Harvest?

Harvest is the time to cash in on all your hard work throughout the year, from fertilizing and planting, to pest and weed control. During the harvest season, days in the field remain long, so make sure you have the proper tools and systems to help...

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Tips for Improving Fuel Efficiency on Your Farm

As input costs continue to increase throughout the agriculture industry, ensuring you aren't wasteful and hurting your operation's bottom line is an important consideration. This includes fuel costs. Implementing simple practices can help improve...

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What is the Best Way to Buy and Trade in Used Farm Equipment?

Farm equipment is a vital piece of any farming operation. Used farm equipment values are a regular piece of the puzzle for farm owners. Whether it is buying used equipment or trading used equipment, the current used farm equipment values matter for...

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How to Prevent Your Farm from Flooding

If caught unprepared, flooding can have a devastating impact on your farm, livestock, buildings, and more. As a farmer, it’s important to take proactive steps before matters become out of hand. Think about it, if city planners all over the country...

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