How to Properly Store Your John Deere Lawn Equipment During Ohio Winters
Published: December 19, 2024
Updated: December 19, 2024
Lawn and Garden
Ohio winters can be brutal, especially for your lawn equipment if not properly stored. Winterizing your mower before putting it away for the year can ensure you’re ready to go in the spring and help you avoid unnecessary damages you’ll end up paying for later. Before you pack up your lawn equipment this winter, there are crucial steps you want to take to prepare for the chilly weather.
Clean Off Your Deck
Odds are your deck has collected a bit of muck after working hard this year. It’s time to give it a wash. Cleaning off your deck can be done with a pressure washer or a simple garden hose. The wash port on the John Deere Accel Deep and High Capacity deck can offer a bit of support for a thorough cleaning. Harder clumps of dried dirt and debris might take a little more elbow grease but can be eliminated with a stick or paint stirrer.
Service All Your Check Points
Once your mower looks good on the outside, pop open the hood to ensure everything on the inside is in good shape as well. The most crucial service points are your oil and filters. If it’s been a while since your last oil change, change it out, let it run for a few minutes, and replace the oil filter in the process. You should also change air filters and fuel filters at least once a season, so replacing them now can save you time in the spring. Also, be sure to remove and replace spark plugs. You can give your lawn equipment the full service it needs with a John Deere Home Maintenance Kit or book a service appointment with your local dealer for a thorough inspection.
Address Leftover Fuel
Before letting your mower bear the aggressive Ohio winter, you have to deal with your fuel. Gas that sits in your tank all winter will severely degrade and gum up your carburetor, damaging other parts of the fuel system and stunting engine performance. To prevent this from happening, you can either drain the fuel you have left or add a stabilizer.
Add Fuel Stabilizer
If new gas is in your tank, adding fuel stabilizer is a greatl option. By adding a stabilizer, you can prevent the corrosion of your fuel and prolong its life for several months. Once added, run your engine for a few minutes so it can properly infiltrate the system.
Drain Fuel
If your lawn equipment has old gas sitting in its tank your best bet is to let it run dry. This is also a safer option if you plan on storing your mower inside a garage or shed since having fuel sit in your mower for months can be a fire hazard. If there is too much gas to justify running it out, tip the machine on its side and let the fuel drain onto a drain pan.
Remove Battery
Leaving your battery in an idle machine all winter can drain it. To preserve power, safely disconnect it by removing the negative lead, and then unplug the positive lead. While it’s disconnected, this is a good time to clean it off and clear out any corrosion with a wire brush and cleaning solution such as baking soda and water. Store the battery in a cool and dry place making sure to avoid heat sources and hazards.
Find Proper Storage
Now that you have undergone the proper steps to winterize your equipment, it is time to pack it up until next season. Picking the right storage is essential to your lawn equipment’s health. When choosing a space, it’s best to avoid sunlight, wet areas, or places where rodents can get to it. With that being said, It’s ideal to store it inside an enclosed space such as a storage, shed, or garage to protect it from these elements. If you don’t have the space to store your equipment inside you can still protect it by covering it with a tarp or waterproof lawn mower cover.
Don’t leave your John Deere lawn equipment out in the cold this winter and pay the price during spring. Properly maintaining your riding mower before you store it extends the life of your equipment and prevents damages that will cost you time and money. Contact your local Koenig Equipment Parts Department for a Home Maintenance Kit or contact our service department to give your mower a thorough inspection.
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