Koenig Equipment Blog

How Does John Deere Precision Agriculture Technology Support Field Prep?

Written by Koenig Equipment | May 19, 2021 4:00:00 AM

How does precision agriculture equipment help me?

Precision agriculture has continued to grow and improve farmers’ results in their fields. With precision agriculture, farmers are able to optimize their resources and efforts, reduce waste and consumption, all while boosting land productivity. Do you know what Precision Agriculture solutions are right for your growing operation?

View our available options now and connect with a specialist to get additional details.


How does satellite technology support my field prep?

When it comes to satellite technology, the Greenstar AMS products that relate to the AutoTrac™ steering and guidance systems are now standard in most John Deere tractors, combines and sprayers. With the use of AutoTrac™ you reduce overlap and missed spots when fall spraying, applying anhydrous, etc., which in turn also helps your bottom dollar. GreenStar AutoTrac(™) relies on satellite technology to make auto steer available to customers.



Can I use precision agriculture equipment to make adjustments to my field prep?

Absolutely! Precision agriculture helps you better understand your fields and their production. All of the mapping and documentation of all the field work can be used to make the agronomic decisions that affect how much fertilizer, chemicals, tillage and seed is needed for your upcoming planting season.

An example of what we are able to do with the information received from the precision equipment can be seen when it is time to do tillage work. With the use of the information off of the harvest maps and yields available to us through precision agriculture equipment, the John Deere 2660VT tillage tool takes the guesswork out of tillage work. By using the maps, the farmer or their advisor can create a prescription map that indicates where residue may be higher. This prescription map then tells the 2660VT where to adjust the implement depth and cutting disk angle. Precision agriculture tools can help even inexperienced employees operate without having to worry about manually making adjustments during tillage work.

For agronomic prescriptions, we recommend taking your mapping and documentation to your agronomist or Koenig Precision Ag Specialist and they will be better able to help you come up with the specific fertilizer and chemical prescription for your land and operation.


Where can I find precision agriculture solutions?

Precision agriculture solutions do not have to be an overwhelming task. At Koenig Equipment, are trained to help you every step of the way in your precision agriculture journey. From small farm operations to large farm operations, precision agriculture is something everyone can use to maximize their efficiency and bottom dollar.

Whether you are just starting out with precision agriculture in your field prep or you’ve been using it for years, our professionals can help you with any and all questions to help you better your operation.